Since its inception in 1945, this serial has provided critical articles by research specialists in the industrial, analytical, and technological aspects of biochemistry, organic chemistry, and instrumentation methodology. The articles provide a definitive interpretation of the current status and future trends in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.H.S. El Khadem, Horace S. Isbell, 1898-1992. I. Tvaroska and F.R. Taravel, Carbon-Proton Coupling Constants in the Conformational Analysis of Sugar Molecules. P. Dais, Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Motional Behavior of Carbohydrate Molecules in Solution. J.F. Robyt, Mechanisms in the Glucansucrase Synthesis of Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides from Sucrose. G.O. Aspinall, D. Chatterjee, and P.J. Brennan, The Variable Surface Glycolipids of Mycobacteria: Structures, Synthesis of Epitopes, and Biological Properties. P. Tomasik and M.F. Zaranyika, Nonconventional Methods of Modification of Starch. References. Appendix. Author Index. Subject Index.Praise for Series Indispensable in any chemical or biochemical library. --JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY A series that has established an enviable reputation for a consistently high quality of content and production, and that is of outstanding value. --CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH