Governments have a legal obligation to guarantee effective control over arms exports and to monitor and supervise the movement of arms to ensure they do not fall into unauthorized hands. This book provides a detailed description of how governments discharge this responsibility. Individual chapters describe national efforts to control arms transfer, concentrating on the existing legal framework to regulate arms exports. Multilateral arms transfer control regimes are discussed, including the United Nations, the Co-ordinating Committee for East-West Trade Policy (CoCom), the missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), as well as the arms embargoes agreed upon by the Council of Ministers of the European Community.
This ambitious compendium, the first to document and explain (but not evaluate) so many national arms export control schemes, was produced by a research and editorial team headed by Ian Anthony of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) as part of its Arms Production and Arms Trade Project....SIPRI has done a great service in undertaking this project and publishing its results. Once can only hope that it will expand upon, revise, update and disseminate this information regularly. --
Military Review