In the area of computer-integrated manufacturing, concurrent engineering is recognized as the manufacturing philosophy for the next decade.In the area of computer-integrated manufacturing, concurrent engineering is recognized as the manufacturing philosophy for the next decade.Organizational issues in concurrent engineering. Principles of concurrent engineering. Concurrent engineering's roots in the World War II era. Implementation: common failure modes and success factors. Overcoming barriers to the implementation of concurrent engineering. Improving interpersonal communications on multifunctional teams. Scheduling of concurrent manufacturing projects. Tools and techniques of concurrent engineering. Models of design processes. A decision-based approach to concurrent design. Concurrent optimization of product design and manufacture. Computer-based concurrent engineering systems. Multi-attribute design optimization and concurrent engineering. Concurrent cell design and cell control system configuration. A generalized methodology for evaluating manufacturability. Evaluating product machinability for concurrent engineering. Concurrent optimization of design and manufacturing tolerances. Design for human factors. Cost considerations in concurrent engineering. Designing to cost. Economic design in concurrent engineering. Artificial intelligence in concurrent engineering. Application of expert systems to engineering design. A knowledge-based approach to design for manufacture using features. Concurrent accumulation of knowledge: a view of concurrent engineering. Integrated knowledge systems for adaptive, concurrent design. Automating design for manufacturability through expert system approaches. Modelling the design process with petri nets. Neuro-computing and concurrent engineering.`...provides a valuable learning experience...well researched and written...very informative and would be beneficial to the educationlC@