No single approach has dominated the study of cooperative strategy. This book brings together the latest thinking and research from a variety of theoretical perspectives and addresses key issues through a number of different lenses.
Part One: Perspectives on Cooperative Strategy 1. Perspectives on Cooperative Strategy,David O. Faulkner and Mark de Rond 2. Characteristics of UK International Joint Ventures with Triad and Non-Triad Partners,Keith W. Glaister, Rumy Husan, and Peter J. Buckley Part Two: The Rationale for Cooperation 3. The Theory of the Flagship Firm,Alan Rugman and Joseph D'Cruz 4. Transaction (In)Efficiency, Value (In) Efficiency, and Interfirm Collaboration,Anoop Madhok 5. Forming and Managing Shared Organization Ventures: Resources and Transaction Costs,Stephen Tallman 6. Differential Learning in Alliances,Kofi O. Nti and Rajesh Kumar 7. The Firm as Differentiator and Integrator of Networks: Layered Communities of Practice and Discourse,Ray Loveridge Part Three: The Process of Cooperating 8. From Competition to Collaboration: The Emergence and Evolution of R&D,Yves L. Doz and Oguz Baburoglu 9. Implementing Cooperative Strategy: A Model from the Private Sector,David Boddy, Douglas Macbeth, and Beverly Wagner 10. Cooperative Relationship Strategy in Global Information Technology Outsourcing: The Case of Xerox Corporation,Thomas Kern and Leslie Willcocks 11. Assessing Interorganizational Collaboration: Multiple Conceptions and Multiple Methods,Barbara Gray 12. International Joint Venture Instability and Corporate Strategy,Jeffrey J. Reuer and Mitchell P. Koza Part Four: Cooperative Behaviour 13. National Differences in Acquisition Integration,Robert Pitkethly, David O. Faulkner, and John Child 14. Interpersonal Rló(