The topic of Old Testament covenant has been a long-standing focus of many of Ernest Nicholson's publications, and it is wholly appropriate that it should serve as a framework for this collection. The essays explore this topic from a variety of perspectives: literary, exegetical, historical, religious, and theological, and demonstrate its continuing vitality as a basis for original work in Old Testament study. The contributions include a substantial evaluation of Ernest Nicholson's writings.
1. A Disputed Sense in a Covenant Context: On the Interpretation of Genesis 15:6,Bertil Albrektson 2. Reflections on the Covenant with Noah,James Barr 3. Covenant in Old Testament Theology,John Barton 4. The Davidic Covenant in the Isaiah Tradition,R. E. Clements 5. Covenant, Oath, and the Composition of the Pentateuch,G. I. Davies 6. Why does God 'Establish' rather than 'Cut' Covenants in the Priestly Source?,John Day 7. Covenant and Creation in Relationship,K. J. Dell 8. Canonical Text, Covenantal Communities, and the Patterns of Exegetical Culture: Reflections on the Past Century,Michael Fishbane 9. Gibeonite Ruse and Israelite Curse in Joshua 9,R. P. Gordon 10. Moses and the Covenant in the Assumption of Moses and the Pentateuch,William Horbury 11. Recounting the Tetrateuch,William Johnstone 12. Bund and Gesetz bei Jesus Sirach,Otto Kaiser 13. The Middle of the Old Testament,William McKane 14. The Covenant People: Max Weber and the Historical Understanding of Ancient Israel,A. D. H. Mayes 15. The Story of the First Commandment - The Book of Joshua,P. D. Miller 16. An Overlooked Item in Old Testament Theology - Perhaps,D. J. Reimer 17. Yahweh and his People in Lamentations,R. B. Salters 18. 'Der Bundesgdanke hat seine Geschichte': Zu Leben und Werk von Otto Procksch (1l3!