This energetic and thought-provoking book encourages a reflexive, non-nationalistic approach to doing world research and sets out how to understand, plan, do and use this research.
Williams introduces a range of frameworks, from desk-based studies and traditional ethnography to the use of internet, satellites, robots, drones and ‘big data’, and provides exciting, interdisciplinary examples. This book is presented in a clear international style and uses creative approaches to researching peoples, places and world systems.
It explains:
- desk-based research using international data including documentaries, museum objects, archives, data-sets and working with groups such as refugees, tourists and migrants
- distance research using online videos, surveys and remote methods such as video conferencing and crowdsourcing
- fieldwork abroad, including ethnography, street observation and mapping.
The book is also accompanied by a website, with the following features:
For Students
- Weblinks for each chapter
- Examples/summaries/templates related to text marked with
- Additional thinking zones
- An overview of data capture technologies
For Lecturers
- Copies of all the figures and thinking zones for use in teaching material