The U.S. health care system faces well-known problems: 47 million people without health insurance, rapidly rising costs that consume 16 percent of the country's economic output, and widely uneven quality of care. Even many people with coverage are experiencing serious problems paying for the rapidly rising costs of health care and insurance.This book - a joint product of the National Academy of Public Administration and the National Academy of Social Science - undertakes a sweeping analysis of the management and administrative issues that arise in expanding health care coverage. The book identifies the core administrative functions that need to be performed in assuring access to health coverage, describes how these functions are performed at present and under proposed alternatives, draws lessons from experience in the U.S. and abroad, and assesses suggested administrative approaches designed to facilitate the improvement and expansion of health care coverage.Adequate health care is one of today's most crucial domestic policy concerns. Expanding Access to Health Care is designed to bring together in one place some of the best thinking on the subject, not as an exercise in advocacy, but rather to lay out the issues in a balanced way so that policymakers, researchers, and citizens can better understand the complex details of health care reform.This concise text takes a fresh look at all the key topics in intermediate-level macroeconomic theory with carefully chosen linear versions of the standard models of both the closed and the open economy. It requires no mathematical proficiency beyond high school level algebra, and has been thoroughly tested in the classroom. The author leaves open the possibility that the standard macroeconomic models are incomplete, and challenges students to form their own opinions. The text's key chapter on inflation replaces the standard assumption of monetary targeting with a central bank reaction function, making the treatment of monetarylS¡