Fluid Phase Behavior for Conventional and Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs delivers information on the role of PVT (pressure-volume-temperature) tests/data in various aspects, in particular reserve estimation, reservoir modeling, flow assurance, and enhanced oil recovery for both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
This must-have reference also prepares engineers on the importance of PVT tests, how to evaluate the data, develop an effective management plan for flow assurance, and gain perspective of flow characterization, with a particular focus on shale oil, shale gas, gas hydrates, and tight oil making.
This book is a critical resource for today's reservoir engineer, helping them effectively manage and maximize a company's oil and gas reservoir assets.
- Provides tactics on reservoir phase behavior and dynamics with new information on shale oil and gas hydrates
- Helps readers Improve on the effect of salt concentration and application to C02-Acid Gas Disposal with content on water-hydrocarbon systems
- Provides practical experience with PVT and tuning of EOS with additional online excel spreadsheet examples
1. Oil and Gas Properties and Correlations 2. Equations of State 3. Plus Fraction Characterization 4. Tuning Equations of State 5. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Calculations 6. Fluid Sampling 7. Retrograde Gas Condensate 8. Gas Hydrates 9. Characterization of Shale Gas 10. Characterization of Shale Oil
Up-to-date guide on the reservoir management of shale oil and gas that is a critical resource for today's reservoir engineer
Alireza Bahadori, PhD, CEng, MIChemE, CPEng, MIEAust, RPEQ, NER is a research staff member in the School of Environment, Science and Engineering at Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW, Australia, and managing director lS¶