This book documents the lesser-known varieties of English which have been overlooked and understudied within the canon of English linguistics.This book documents and describes the lesser-known varieties of English which have been overlooked and understudied within the canon of English linguistics. The aim of this work is to spark further interest in systematic fieldwork and sociolinguistic documentation of minority Englishes in a postcolonial world.This book documents and describes the lesser-known varieties of English which have been overlooked and understudied within the canon of English linguistics. The aim of this work is to spark further interest in systematic fieldwork and sociolinguistic documentation of minority Englishes in a postcolonial world.This volume follows on from The Lesser-Known Varieties of English (Cambridge, 2010), by documenting a further range of varieties that have been overlooked and understudied. It explores varieties spoken by small groups of people in remote regions as diverse as Malta, Bermuda, the Netherlands Antilles, Brazil, the Cook Islands, and Palau. The varieties explored are as much a part of the big picture as major varieties and it is the intention of this collection to spark further interest in the sociolinguistic documentation of minority Englishes in a postcolonial world. Language endangerment is a very real factor for the vast majority of lesser-known varieties of English, and this book aims to highlight that documentation and archiving are key initial steps in revitalization and reclamation efforts. This book will be of interest to historians of English, and scholars in dialectology, language birth and death, language contact, typology, and variation and change.1. Introduction Jeffrey P. Williams, Edgar W. Schneider, Peter Trudgill and Daniel Schreier; Part I. Europe: 2. Maltese English Manfred Krug; 3. Gibraltar English David Levey; 4. Irish travellers' English Maria Rieder; Part II. The Americas: 5. American Indian EngllC$