This volume looks at sustainable protection and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage, particularly in view of the current challenges of the 21st century. For more than 40 years the World Heritage Convention has regulated the protection of the cultural and natural heritage of humankind, particularly in that heritage shall be protected if it is threatened by modern development.
The international community has also adopted sustainability and sustainable development, as objectives to facilitate the protection of cultural and natural heritage. Sustainable heritage protection and use must therefore be preserved in the face of the global challenges it faces and must be perceived in terms of societal, political and corresponding economic paradigms.
This edited volume makes an important contribution to the current knowledge that aims to critically navigate sustainability in tourism. This volume would make an excellent resource for undergraduate students, as well as an important resource for graduate students specifically interested in the pursuit of research in sustainability in heritage studies. (Karla Boluk, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, February, 2019)
Prof. Dr., Marie-Theres Albert, Professor Emerita and Former Chairholder Chair Intercultural Studies UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies, studied and completed her doctorate and habilitation at the Technical University of Berlin in educational science, sociology and educational economics. From 1994 to 2015 she led the Chair Intercultural Studies at BTU Cottbus and has been the chair holder of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies since October 2003. She is the co-founder and former director (1999-2010) of the masters programme World Heritage Studies and founder and director (since 2010) of the Ph.D. programme International Graduate School: Heritage Studies alCŒ