This 2007 book examines group dynamics and how it influences expression and the interpretation of emotions.This book focuses on a more recent development that recognizes that the perceiver is also subject to the same social rules and norms that guide the expresser's behavior, and that knowledge of relevant emotion norms can influence how emotional expressions shown by members of different groups are perceived and interpreted.This book focuses on a more recent development that recognizes that the perceiver is also subject to the same social rules and norms that guide the expresser's behavior, and that knowledge of relevant emotion norms can influence how emotional expressions shown by members of different groups are perceived and interpreted.The study of emotional expressions has a long tradition in psychology. Although research in this domain has extensively studied the social context factors that influence the expresser's facial display, the perceiver was considered passive. This book focuses on more recent developments that show that the perceiver is also subject to the same social rules and norms that guide the expresser's behavior and that knowledge of relevant emotion norms can influence how emotional expressions shown by members of different groups are perceived and interpreted. Factors such as ethnic-group membership, gender, and relative status all influence not only emotional expressions but also the interpretation of emotional expressions shown by members of different groups. Specifically, the research presented asks the question of whether and why the same expressions shown by men or women, members of different ethnic groups, or individuals high and low in status are interpreted differently.Introduction Pierre Philippot and Ursula Hess; 1. Implications of ingroup-outgroup membership for interpersonal perceptions: faces and emotion Jennifer Richeson, John F. Dovidio, J. Nicole Shelton and Michelle Hebl; 2. When two do the same, it might not mean the same: l³?