Consolidating recent research in the area, the Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: Status and Perspectiveillustrates the design, implementation, and deployment of mobile and ubiquitous systems, particularly in mobile and ubiquitous environments, modeling, database components, and wireless infrastructures.
Supplying an overarching perspective, the book is ideal for researchers, graduate students, and industry practitioners in computer science and engineering interested in recent developments in mobile and ubiquitous computing. It discusses new trends in intelligent systems, reviews sensory input and multimedia information, and examines embedded real-time systems. With coverage that spans security, privacy, and trust, the book is divided into six parts:
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computingillustrates the concepts, design, implementation, and deployment of mobile and ubiquitous systems
- Smart Environments and Agent Systemsdiscusses a new trend toward intelligent systems that are completely connected, proactive, intuitive, and constantly available
- HumanComputer Interaction and Multimedia Computingdescribes guidelines for designing multisensory input and output for mobile devices
- Security, Privacy, and Trust Managementpresents an approach to dynamically establish trust between a system and its mobile client in a flexible manner using a multi-agent negotiation mechanism
- Embedded Real-Time Systemsintroduces novel work on how mobile, ubiquitous, and intelligence computing can be realized
- Networking Sensing and Communicationscovers challenges, designs, and prototype solutions for establishing, managing, and maintaining current sensor networks in mobile and ubiquitous computing environments
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