This serial was established under the editorship of Dr. Norman R. Ellis in 1966. As a result of his editorial effort and the contributions of many authors, the serial is now recognized as the area's best source of reviews of behavioral research on mental retardation. From its inception, active research scientists and graduate students in mental retardation have looked to this serial as a major source of critical reviews of research and theory in the area.R.P. Honeck, An Outsider Looks at Mental Retardation: A Moral, A Model, and a Metaprinciple. G. Murphy, Understanding Aggression in People with Intellectual Disabilities: Lessons from Other Populations. F.J. Symons and T. Thompson, A Review of Self-Injurious Behavior and Pain in Persons with Developmental Disabilities. M.G. Aman, Recent Studies in Psychopharmacology in Mental Retardation. D.C. Williams and K.J. Saunders, Methodological Issues in the Study of Drug Effects on Cognitive Skills in Mental Retardation. P.S. Loupe, S.R. Schroeder, and R.E. Tessel, The Behavior and Neurochemistry of the Methylazoxymenthanol-Induced Microencephalic Rat. G.S. Fisch, Longitudinal Assessment of Cognitive-Behavioral Deficits Produced by the Fragile-X Syndrome. Subject Index.Praise for the Series This book is highly detailed and heavily referenced. --BIOSIS Belongs on the shelves of every serious student and researcher whose focal interest is the retarded. --JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY Practically every article is of interest for psychologists who are involved with mental retardation. --CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOLOGY