The Second Edition of Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change makes social science matter! It focuses on how it is possible to combine practical problem solving with generating new theoretical insights. Authors Davydd J. Greenwood and Morten Levin combine a thorough discussion of the epistemological foundations of action research with a broad overview of major contemporary trends in the field.The Second Edition of Introduction to Action Research: Social Research for Social Change makes social science matter! It focuses on how it is possible to combine practical problem solving with generating new theoretical insights. Authors Davydd J. Greenwood and Morten Levin combine a thorough discussion of the epistemological foundations of action research with a broad overview of major contemporary trends in the field. [This book] is an excellent addition to the bookshelf of any social change researcher. Additionally, it is a first-rate resource for educational researchers within organizations or the community. What Is Action Research? Introduction: Action Research, Diversity, and Democracy A History of Action Research Action Research Cases From Practice: The Stories of Stongfjorden, Mondrag?n, and Programs for Employment and Workplace Systems at Cornell University Science, Epistemology, and Practice in Action Research An Epistemological Foundation for Action Research Scientific Method and Action Research Social Science Research Techniques, Work Forms, and Research Strategies in Action Research Knowledge Generation in Action Research: The Dialectics of Local Knowledge and Research-based Knowledge The Friendly Outsider: From AR as a Research Strategy to the Skills Needed to Become an Action Researcher Varieties of Action Research Praxis: Liberatinl#H