The technology of crystal growth has advanced enormously during the past two decades. Among, these advances, the development and refinement of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been among the msot important. Crystals grown by MBE are more precisely controlled than those grown by any other method, and today they form the basis for the most advanced device structures in solid-state physics, electronics, and optoelectronics. As an example, Figure 0.1 shows a vertical-cavity surface emitting laser structure grown by MBE.
* Provides comprehensive treatment of the basic materials and surface science principles that apply to molecular beam epitaxy * Thorough enough to benefit molecular beam epitaxy researchers * Broad enough to benefit materials, surface, and device researchers * Referenes articles at the forefront of modern research as well as those of historical interest Preface. List of Figures. List of Tables. Bulk Phase Equilibra. Free Energies and Open Systems. Elemental Phases. Alloy Phases. Thin Film Structure and Microstructure. Ordering and Clustering. Coherency and Semi-coherency. Surface Morphology and Composition. Surface Composition. Index.Crystals grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) form the basis for today's most advanced device structures in solid-state physics, electronics and optoelectronics. Materials Fundamentals of Molecular Beam Epitaxy gathers together the basic materials science principles that apply to MBE, and treats in great depth its most important aspects. The book begins with basic materials science and solid-state physics concepts, and ends at the frontiers of modern research. Throughout, it teaches the usefulness of thermodynamic and statistical calculations based on intuitive and physically motivated semi-empirical models. Materials Fundamentals of Molecular Beam Epitaxy is thorough enough to benefit graduate students and professional researchers, yet it is also broad enough toló›