Papers from a conference organised at the University of Corfu in 1998. Contents: 1.1) Three Forts in a Sea of Mountains: The Lidoriki District and the Medieval History of Aetolia (Sebastiaan Bommelj??); 1.2 Byzantine and Ottoman Maritime Traffic in the Estuary of the Strymon: Between Environment, State and Market (Archibald Dunn); 1.3 The Strymon Delta Project: The Palynological Evidence (Margaret A. Atherden and Jean A. Hall); 1.4 Settlement Patterns in Medieval and Post-Medieval Sphakia: Issues from the Archaeological and Historical Evidence (Lucia Nixon, Simon Price, Oliver Rackham and Jennifer Moody); 1.5 The Contribution of Pollen Analysis to the Study of Medieval Crete (Jean A. Hall and Margaret A. Atherden); 1.6 The Archaeologist and the Historian: Methodological Problems Faced by Historians Participating in Archaeological Surveys (Dimitris Tsougarakis and Helen Angelomatis-Tsougarakis); 1.7) Villages d??sert??s a Chypre (fin XIIe- fin XIX si??cle) : bilan et questions (Gilles Grivaud); 1.8) Ceramics, Metadata, and Expectations: The Problems of Synthetic Interpretation of Survey Data for Medieval Greece (Timothy E. Gregory); 1.9) The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project: Archaeology, History and Ethnography of the Medieval and Modern Periods (Jack L. Davis and John Bennet);2.1) Christian Archaeology and the Archaeology of Medieval (William Bowden); 2.2) A New Approach to an Old Archaeological Site: The Case of Delphi (Platon Petridis); 3.1) Medieval and Ottoman Mytilene (Hector Williams); 3.2) Human Remains from the Fortress of Mytilene (Sandra J. Garvie-Lok); 3.3) The Ottoman Clay Smoking Pipes from Mytilene (John Humphrey); 4.1 Social and Spatial Organisation in the Peninsula of the Mani (Southern Peleponnese): Medieval, Post-Medieval and Modern Times (Yanis Saitas); 4.2) The Morea Vernacular Architecture Project (Mary B. Coulton); 5.1) A Method for the Activity Analysis of Medieval Sites: From the Stratik?? Surface Survey Prlc$