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Developers will discover how to unleash the full power of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with this developer's guide by best-selling author, Michael Otey. Completely rewritten and reengineered, this book will focus on the new programming models and will provide readers with all the information they need to produce top-quality commercial applications
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSINTRODUCTIONChapter 1: The Development EnvironmentChapter 2: Developing with T-SQLChapter 3: Developing CLR Database ObjectsChapter 4: SQL Server Service BrokerChapter 5: Developing with Notification ServicesChapter 6: Developing Database Applications with ADO.NETChapter 7: Developing with XMLChapter 8: Developing Database Applications with ADOChapter 9: Reporting ServicesChapter 10: SQL Server Integration ServicesChapter 11: Developing BI Applications with ADOMD.NETChapter 12: Developing with SMOChapter 13: Using sqlcmdAPPENDIX A: SQL PROFILERINDEX
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CREATE ROBUST DATA MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONSBuild powerful, enterprise-wide database programs using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and the comprehensive information contained in this definitive volume.Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer's Guideexplains how to develop server-side and client-side database applications and analyze business intelligence data. All of the brand-new features are covered in-depth -- including .NET CLR Integration, Reporting Services, Integration Services, Notification Services,ló–