Featuring original research from well-known experts in the field of sliding mode control,?this?book presents new design schemes for a useful and practical optimal control with very few impractical assumptions. The results presented allow optimal control theory to grow in its applicability to real-world systems. On the cutting-edge of optimal control research, this?book?is an excellent resource for both graduate students and researchers in engineering, mathematics, and optimal control.
Featuring research from experts in sliding mode control, this book presents new design schemes for implementing an optimal control having the output system as the only information of the vector state. The benefit is greater applicability to real-world systems.
Featuring original research from well-known experts in the field of sliding mode control, this monograph presents new design schemes for implementing LQ control solutions in situations where the output system is the only information provided about the state of the plant. This new design works under the restrictions of matched disturbances without losing its desirable features. On the cutting-edge of optimal control research, Robust Output LQ Optimal Control via Integral Sliding Modes is an excellent resource for both graduate students and professionals involved in linear systems, optimal control, observation of systems with unknown inputs, and automatization.
In the theory of optimal control, the linear quadratic (LQ) optimal problem plays an important role due to its physical meaning, and its solution is easily given by an algebraic Riccati equation. This solution turns out to be restrictive, however, because of two assumptions: the system must be free from disturbances and the entire state vector must be known. A new technique, called? output integral sliding modes, eliminates the effects of disturbances acting in the same subspace as the control.l@