This self-contained monograph describes basic set-theoretic methods for control. It provides a discussion of their links to fundamental problems in Lyapunov stability analysis and stabilization, optimal control, control under constraints, persistent disturbance rejection, and uncertain systems analysis and synthesis. The work presents several established and potentially new applications, along with numerical examples and case studies. A key theme is the trade-off between exact (but computationally intensive) and approximate (but conservative) solutions to problems. Mathematical language is kept to the minimum necessary.
This monograph describes basic set-theoretic methods for control. The work presents several established and potentially new applications, along with numerical examples and case studies. The book supplies many recipes for solving significant problems.
Many control problems can be naturally formulated, analyzed, and solved in a set-theoretic context. Sets appear naturally when three aspects, which are crucial in control systems design, are considered: constraints, uncertainties, anddesignspeci?cations.Furthermore,setsarethemostappropriatelanguage to specify severalsystem performances, for instance when we areinterested in determining the domain of attraction, in measuring the e?ect of a persistent noise in a feedback loop or in bounding the error of an estimation algorithm. From a conceptual point of view, the peculiarity of the material presented in this book lies in the fact that sets are not only terms of the formulation, but they play an active role in the solution of the problems as well. Generally speaking, in the control theory context, all the techniques which are theore- cally based on some properties of subsets of the state-space could be referred to as set-theoretic methods. The most popular and clear link is that with Lyapunov theory and positive invariance. Lyapunov functions are positi- de?nitelsŪ