Professor La Fontaine's investigation of satanic abuse in England includes a detailed analysis of a number of actual cases.The first modern allegations of satanic sexual abuse surfaced in North American during the 1980s, followed a few years later by similar allegations in Britain. Professor La Fontaine, an anthropologist, has studied the literature on satanic abuse in England and conducted a detailed analysis of a number of actual cases. She found no evidence of devil-worship. She concludes that behind the hysteria is a social movement, comparable to classic instances of witchcraft accusations and the witch-hunts in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Europe.The first modern allegations of satanic sexual abuse surfaced in North American during the 1980s, followed a few years later by similar allegations in Britain. Professor La Fontaine, an anthropologist, has studied the literature on satanic abuse in England and conducted a detailed analysis of a number of actual cases. She found no evidence of devil-worship. She concludes that behind the hysteria is a social movement, comparable to classic instances of witchcraft accusations and the witch-hunts in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Europe.The first modern allegations of satanic sexual abuse surfaced in North America during the 1980s, followed a few years later by similar allegations in Britain. Professor La Fontaine, an anthropologist, has studied the literature on satanic abuse in England and conducted a detailed analysis of a number of actual cases. She found no evidence of devil worship. She concludes that behind the hysteria is a social movement, comparable to classic instances of witchcraft accusations and the witch hunts in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe.1. Introduction; 2. The personification of evil; 3. Witches, satanists and the occult; 4. The extent of the allegations; 5. The question of proof; 6. Explaining belief; 7. Children's stories; 8. Confessions and tales of horror; 9. A modern movemlãÂ