The past 30 years have seen important legal developments in relation to the immunities and privileges enjoyed by the subjects of international law, not least the enactment in several jurisdictions of detailed legislation on these issues. The editors provide detailed annotations and commentary on a large range of key materials, including international agreements and domestic legislation, concerning the immunities of states, international organisations, diplomatic missions and consular posts. Focusing on legislation in the United Kingdom and the United States of America, the commentary looks at the application of immunities and privileges as well their practical significance for practitioners in both jurisdictions. The text will be fully cross-referenced and indexed.
Introduction: Summary of materials and discussion of trends in the immunities of international legal persons Part 1: Sovereign immunity International instruments (with tables of signatures and ratifications) including: Brussels Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to the Immunity of State Owned Vessels 1926 (and 1934 Protocol). European Convention on State Immunity 1972 (with explanatory notes). ILC Draft Articles of the Jurisdictional Immunities of States and their Property 1991 (with explanatory notes) Draft Articles of the International Law Association and other international law bodies Domestic legislation including: UK: State Immunity Act 1978 (with commentary). USA: Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 1976 (with commentary). Relevant legislation from other jurisdictions, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Pakistan, Singapore and South Africa Part 2: International organizations International instruments dealing generally with the immunities of international organizations including ILC Draft Articles on Relations between States and International Organizations. Domestic legislation including:l#>