Stream Ecosystems in a Changing Environment synthesizes the current understanding of stream ecosystem ecology, emphasizing nutrient cycling and carbon dynamics, and providing a forward-looking perspective regarding the response of stream ecosystems to environmental change. Each chapter includes a section focusing on anticipated and ongoing dynamics in stream ecosystems in a changing environment, along with hypotheses regarding controls on stream ecosystem functioning. The book, with its innovative sections, provides a bridge between papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and the findings of researchers in new areas of study.
- Presents a forward-looking perspective regarding the response of stream ecosystems to environmental change
- Provides a synthesis of the latest findings on stream ecosystems ecology in one concise volume
- Includes thought exercises and discussion activities throughout, providing valuable tools for learning
- Offers conceptual models and hypotheses to stimulate conversation and advance research
Chapter 1: Hydrologic Exchange Flows and Their Ecological Consequences in?River Corridors
Chapter 2: Shaping the Physical Template: Biological, Hydrological, and Geomorphic Connections in Stream Channels
Chapter 3: Stream Microbial Ecology in a Changing Environment
Chapter 4: Metabolism of Streams and Rivers: Estimation, Controls, and Application
Chapter 5: Nutrient Spiraling and Transport in Streams: The Importance of In-Stream Biological Processes to Nutrient Dynamics in Streams
Chapter 6: Dissolved Organic Matter in Stream Ecosystems: Forms, Functions, and Fluxes of Watershed Tea
Chapter 7: Stream-Lake Interaction: Understanding Coupled Hydro-Ecological Systems