This book provides concrete help on how to address the support needs of elderly residents of sheltered housing.
Sheehan offers specific strategies to housing managers, social service providers and health care professionals working with elderly tenants. The book includes discussions of appropriate responses to increasing frailty of residents, and of how to judge when independent housing is no longer appropriate. It also includes an examination of guidelines available to housing managers in their expanded role, which is no longer simply a matter of `bricks and mortar' but now encompasses consideration of elderly residents' special needs.This book provides concrete help on how to address the support needs of elderly residents of sheltered housing.
Sheehan offers specific strategies to housing managers, social service providers and health care professionals working with elderly tenants. The book includes discussions of appropriate responses to increasing frailty of residents, and of how to judge when independent housing is no longer appropriate. It also includes an examination of guidelines available to housing managers in their expanded role, which is no longer simply a matter of `bricks and mortar' but now encompasses consideration of elderly residents' special needs.Introduction
Significant Trends Affecting Senior Housing
The Changing Role of Housing Manager
Redefining the Role and Responsibilities of Housing Managers
Management Practices and Policies and Aging in Place
Physical Design and Quality of Life in Senior Housing
Building a Positive Social Environment in Senior Housing
Social Support in the Lives of Elderly Tenants
Formal Services in Senior Housing
Special Mental Health Issues in Senior Housing
Working With Special Populations in Senior Housing
Housing Managers, l³4