This book argues persuasively that a behavioral perspective offers the best foundation for strategic management scholarship.
- This book presents a focused approach to strategic management theory.
- Outlines the basics of a behavioral approach to strategic management.
- Examines assumptions of rationality and equilibrium and the problems they create.
- Considers how a behavioral approach relates to a number of conventional approaches.
1. Introduction.
Objectives of Strategic Management Research:.
What is an Explanation?.
Rigor in Strategy Research.
Rationality and Bounded Rationality.
Summary of the Argument.
Outline of the book.
2. Basics of A Behavioral Approach.
Basic Views of Decisions.
Bounded Rationality.
Aspirations and Search.
Aspiration Levels.
Alternative Variations.
The Ecological or Selection Argument.
Two Criticisms of the Bounded Rationality View.
3. A Behavioral Critique of Rationality and Equilibrium.
The Behavioral Critique of Rationality.
Rationality Assumptions are Untestable.
Only Optimizers Survive – Selection.
Correctness of Assumptions Doesn’t Matter because Optimization Predicts Well.
Does Optimization Predict Well?.
Prediction is the Appropriate Test of a Theory.
The Assumptions are Close Enoughl£¯