This book?explores the determinants of forced migration and its political implications from an economic perspective. It describes the distribution of burdens from forced migration across countries, and analyzes the strategic interaction of national refugee policies to control refugee flows.Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figure List of Table Abbreviations PART I: INTRODUCTION Research Objective Research Outline PART II: FORCED MIGRATION PATTERNS AND POLITICS Introduction Migration Characteristics Migration Types Migration Causes International Actors for Refugee Protection UNHCR and its Historical Background Other International Organizations National States Refugee Politics Burden-Sharing and International Cooperation Migration Prevention and Aid Assistance PART III: INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE BURDENS Introduction Assessing the Refugee Burden to Host Countries Methodology of a Refugee Burden Index Refugee Capacity Index Ability-to-care Socio-political Acceptance of Immigrants Politico-institutional Performance Refugee Gaps Refugee Burden Index Results Concluding Remarks PART IV: DETERMINANTS OF FORCED DISPLACEMENT Introduction Conflict History and Displacement in Aceh, Indonesia Theoretical Background of Displacements Empirical Analysis of Displacement in Aceh Data Source and Descriptive Statistics Empirical Strategy Estimation Models Main Control Variables Estimation Results Concluding Remarks PART V: THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF REFUGEE MIGRATION Introduction Model Analysis The Cross-Border Option The Asylum-Seeking Option Counter-asylum Policies Defensive Asylum Policy: Asylum Restriction Decline in Self-Reliance in the Cross-the-Border Country Decline in Recognition Rates in the Western Asylum Country Proactive Asylum Policy: Migration Preventive Aid Transfers Aid to the First Asylum Country Aid to the Country of Origin Self-financing Proactive Asylum Policy Concluding Remarks PART VI: ASYLUM COOPERATION AMONG ASYMMETRIC COUNTRIES Introduction Literature Reviewl3!