Aiming to transcend the outdated conflict between Left and Right, the Third Way was welcomed by leading figures on the world stage. Its programme of modernisation, flexibility and community regeneration indicated a way forward for the New Age. Within a firm market emphasis, equality of opportunity and social inclusion were given a prominent place. However, its lack of direction and disinclination to face hard decisions, have left its promise unfulfilled. This book puts forward a rigorous rethinking towards making the Third Way an effective instrument of progress for Britain as well as abroad.Acknowledgements Introduction PART I: THE BACKGROUNDS TO THE THIRD WAY Capitalism and Socialism Social Democracy The End of Socialism? PART II: THE POST COLD WAR ERA The Triumph of the Market Economy The Third Way Third Way Critique PART III: NEW TIMES: THE WAY AHEAD Social Antecedents: Communitarianism, Stakeholder Society and Social Exclusion The European Connection American Exceptionalism Again? The Promise of the Third Way Select Bibliography Index
'...a good representation and summary of...the Third Way...' - Vicente Navarro, Contemporary Sociology
' excellent historical background to the emergence of Third Way indispensible resource for anyone...' - Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
OTTO NEWMAN is Adjunct Professor of Sociology at San Diego State University. He is the author of
Gambling Hazard and Reward, The Challenge of Corporation and
The American Dream in the Information Age (with Richard de Zoysa).
RICHARD DE ZOYSA is Senior Lecturer in Politics at South Bank University, London. He is co-author (with Otto Newman) of
The American Dream in the Information Age.