Publishes general papers and a section on English politeness: conduct, social rank and moral virtue.Volume 12 of the Transactions takes 'English politeness: conduct, social rank and moral virtue, c.1400 c.1900' as its main focus. It includes papers on: England and the Continent in the Ninth Century: I, Ends and Beginnings; Travellers and the Oriental City, c.1840 1920; The Myths of the South Sea Bubble; The Place of Tudor England in the Messianic Vision of Philip II of Spain; From Civilitas to Civility: Codes of Manners in Medieval and Early Modern England; Topographies of Politeness; Polite Consumption: Shopping in Eighteenth-Century England.Volume 12 of the Transactions takes 'English politeness: conduct, social rank and moral virtue, c.1400 c.1900' as its main focus. It includes papers on: England and the Continent in the Ninth Century: I, Ends and Beginnings; Travellers and the Oriental City, c.1840 1920; The Myths of the South Sea Bubble; The Place of Tudor England in the Messianic Vision of Philip II of Spain; From Civilitas to Civility: Codes of Manners in Medieval and Early Modern England; Topographies of Politeness; Polite Consumption: Shopping in Eighteenth-Century England.Articles in Volume 12 include: England and the Continent in the Ninth Century: I, Ends and Beginnings; Travellers and the Oriental City, c.1840-1920; The Myths of the South Sea Bubble; The Place of Tudor England in the Messianic Vision of Philip II of Spain. There is also a collection of papers on 'English politeness: conduct, social rank and moral virtue, c.1400-c.1900', which includes the following papers: From Civilitas to Civility: Codes of Manners in Medieval and Early Modern England; Topographies of Politeness; Polite Consumption: Shopping in Eighteenth-Century England.Presidential address: England and the Continent in the ninth century: I, ends and beginnings Janet L. Nelson; 1. Some pardoners' tales: the earliest English indulgences Nicholas Vincent; 2. Travellers and the OrienlS$