
Turbo Coding for Satellite and Wireless Communications [Hardcover]

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  • Category: Books (Technology & Engineering)
  • Author:  Soleymani, M. Reza, Yingzi Gao, Vilaipornsawai, U.
  • Author:  Soleymani, M. Reza, Yingzi Gao, Vilaipornsawai, U.
  • ISBN-10:  1402071973
  • ISBN-10:  1402071973
  • ISBN-13:  9781402071973
  • ISBN-13:  9781402071973
  • Publisher:  Springer
  • Publisher:  Springer
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Binding:  Hardcover
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2002
  • Pub Date:  01-Feb-2002
  • SKU:  1402071973-11-SPRI
  • SKU:  1402071973-11-SPRI
  • Item ID: 100930951
  • List Price: $109.99
  • Seller: ShopSpell
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  • Notes: Brand New Book. Order Now.
6. 5 137 7 Performance of BTCs and 139 their Applications 7. 1 Introduction 139 7. 2 Some Results from the Literatures 139 7. 3 Applications of Block Turbo Codes. 142 7. 3. 1 Broadband Wireless Access Standard 144 7. 3. 2 Advanced Hardware Architectures (AHA) 145 7. 3. 3 COMTECH EF DATA 147 7. 3. 4 Turbo Concept 149 7. 3. 5 Paradise Data Com 150 Summary 7. 4 151 8 Implementation Issues 153 8. 1 Fixed-point Implementation of Turbo Decoder 153 8. 1. 1 Input Data Quantization for DVB-RCS Turbo Codes 155 8. 1. 2 Input Data Quantization for BTC 157 8. 2 The Effect of Correction Term in Max-Log-MAP Algorithm 159 8. 3 Effect of Channel Impairment on Turbo Codes 163 8. 3. 1 System Model for the Investigation of Channel Impairments 163 8. 3. 2 Channel SNR Mismatch 164 8. 3. 2. 1 Simulation Results 165 8. 3. 3 Carrier Phase Recovery 170 8. 3. 3. 1 The Effect of Phase Offset on the Performance of RM Turbo Codes 170 8. 3. 3. 2 The Effect of Preamble Size on the Performance of RM Turbo Codes 170 8. 3. 3. 3 Simulation Results 170 8. 4 Hardware Implementation of Turbo Codes 171 8. 5 Summary 175 9 177 Low Density Parity Check Codes 9. 1 Gallager Codes: Regular Binary LDPC Codes 177 9. 2 Random Block Codes 178 9. 2. 1 Generator Matrix 179 9. 2.6. 5 137 7 Performance of BTCs and 139 their Applications 7. 1 Introduction 139 7. 2 Some Results from the Literatures 139 7. 3 Applications of Block Turbo Codes. 142 7. 3. 1 Broadband Wireless Access Standard 144 7. 3. 2 Advanced Hardware Architectures (AHA) 145 7. 3. 3 COMTECH EF DATA 147 7. 3. 4 Turbo Concept 149 7. 3. 5 Paradise Data Com 150 Summary 7. 4 151 8 Implementation Issues 153 8. 1 Fixed-point Implementation of Turbo Decoder 153 8. 1. 1 Input Data Quantization for DVB-RCS Turbo Codes 155 8. 1. 2 Input Data Quantization for BTC 157 8. 2 The Effect of Correction Term in Max-Log-MAP Algorithm 159 8. 3 Effect of Channel Impairment on Turbo Codes 163 8. 3. 1 System Model for the Investigation of Channel Impairments 163 8. 3. 2 Channel ló©
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