Market: Researchers and technicians in vacuum science, and those interested in the field. This comprehensive overview of the groundbreaking work in vacuum science from 1910 to 1960 presents original biographies of the scientists and engineers at the vanguard of vacuum technology. It also features papers now regarded as milestones. Among these are Saul Dushman's Theory and Use of the Molecular Gauge (1915), Pieter Clausing's The Flow of Highly Rarefied Gases through Tubes of Arbitrary Length (1932), and L.D. Hall's Electronic Ultra-High Vacuum Pump (1932).Partial Contents: 1. Some Pioneers. Cecil Reginald Burch, 1901 - 1983 (W. Steckelmacher). Pieter Clausing, b. 1898 (H. Adam and W. Steckelmacher). Saul Dushman, 1883 - 1954 (J.M. Lafferty). Rudolf Jaeckel, 1907 - 1963 (H.G. Noller, H.L. Eschbach, et al.). Irving Langmuir, 1881 - 1957 (G. Wise). John Yarwood, 1913 - 1987 (K.J. Close). 2. Some Major Advances. History of Vacuum Science: A Visual Aids Project (J.M. Lafferty). The Quest for Ultrahigh Vacuum 1910 - 1950 (P.A. Redhead). Ultrahigh Vacuum Technology at Westinghouse Research Laboratories 1947 - 1957 (D. Alpert). 3. Reproductions of Historical Papers 1900 - 1960. About Slow Cathode Rays 1908, (O. von Baeyer). Theory and Use of the Molecular Gauge 1915 (S. Dushman). A High Vacuum Mercury Pump of Extreme Speed 1916 (I. Langmuir). The Flow of Highly Rarefied Gases through Tubes of Arbitrary Length 1932 (P. Clausing). Vacuum Factor of the Oxide-Cathode Valve 1950 (G. Metson). Electronic Ultrahigh Vacuum Pump 1958 (L.D. Hall).