Integral Transforms in Computational Heat and Fluid Flow is a comprehensive volume that emphasizes the generalized integral transform technique (G.I.T.T.) and the developments that have made the technique a powerful computational tool of practical interest. The book progressively demonstrates the approach through increasingly difficult extensions and test problems. It begins with an overview of the generalized integral transform technique in contrast with classical analytical ideas. Various applications are presented throughout the book, including transient fin analysis with time-dependent surface dissipation, laminar forced convection inside externally finned tubes, metals oxidation at high temperatures, forced convection in liquid metals, and Navier-Stokes equations.INTRODUCTION THE CLASSICAL INTEGRAL TRANSFORM TECHNIQUE General Solution for a Base Problem - Parabolic System Steady Multidimensional Problem - Elliptic System Eigenvalue Problem SYSTEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Linear Systems Numerical Methods and Stiff Systems Infinite Systems and Approximate Solutions PROBLEMS WITH VARIABLE EQUATION COEFFICIENTS Transient Problem (Parabolic System) Steady-State Problem (Elliptic System) Applications PROBLEMS WITH VARIABLE BOUNDARY CONDITION COEFFICIENTS Time-dependent Boundary Condition Coefficients An Alternative Approach Space-dependent Boundary Condition Coefficients Applications PROBLEMS WITH VARIABLE BOUNDARIES Moving Boundary Problems Diffusion within Irregular Domains - Elliptic Problem Diffusion within Irregular Domains - Parabolic Problem Applications PROBLEMS THAT INVOLVE DIFFICULT AUXILIARY PROBLEMS Sturm-Liouville Problem with a Laplace Transform Variable Sturm-Liouville Problem with Complex Variables Non-separable Sturm-Liouville Systems Non-classical Eigenvalue Problems&llĂ$