First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
1. The Rise of the Factory System
2. Factory life and people
(a) Living Conditions
(b) Working conditions
2. Child Labour
(a) Parish apprentices
(b) Peel's Committee
(c) Sadler's Committee
(d) Children in factories
(e) Children in coal mines
(f) Children in trades and manufactures
(g) Child labour: for and against
3. Woman's Place
(a) The factory girl
(b) Factory wives
(c) Women in coal mines
(d) Girls of the pit bank
4. Sexual Relations
5.The State of Towns
(a) A gazetteer of disgusting places
(b) Chadwick the Sanitary Reformer
(c) Recreation and amusements