The book investigates the many ways thateconomic and moral reasoning interact, overlap and conflict both historicallyand at present. The book explores economic and moral thinking as a historicallycontingent pair using the concept of economic normativities. The contributorsuse case studies including economic practices, such as trade and finance andtax and famine reforms in the British colonies to explore the intellectualhistory of how economic and moral issues interrelate.
.- Introduction: Profitingfrom Words
Mikkel Thorup.
.- Chapter 1: The Greed ofGold Early Modern Conceptions of Money, Nature and Morals
Jakob Bek-Thomsen.
.- Chapter 2: Tradeis a Kind of Warfare Mercantilism and Corporations in the Thought of JosiahChild
Mathias Hein Jessen.
.- Chapter 3: The Wedel-Jarlsberg-controversy Defendingthe Existing Order Against the Reform-Movement in Late 18th CenturyDenmark
Eva Krause J?rgensen.
.- Chapter 4: The Emergence of the Concept PoliticalEconomy
Nicolai von Eggers.
.- Chapter 5: Equilibrium,Natural Order and the Origins of Normative-Deductive Economics