The Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted Vision 20: 2020???an ambitious strategy to make Nigeriathe world???s 20th largest economy by 2020. In the absence of policies to accompany economic growth in keycarbon-emitting sectors with a reduced carbon footprint, emission of greenhouse gases could more thandouble in the next two decades.To evaluate how to achieve the objectives of Vision 20: 2020 with reduced carbon emissions, the FederalGovernment of Nigeria and the World Bank undertook a multiyear program of analytical work. The summaryresults of this program are contained in a separate book (published in the World Bank???s ???Directions in Development???series) entitled Low-Carbon Development: Opportunities for Nigeria, which concludes that Nigeria canachieve its development objectives, while stabilizing emissions at 2010 levels and providing domestic benefi tson the order of 2 percent of GDP.This volume is a collection of the background technical reports on the four sectors of inquiry: agriculture andland use, oil and gas, power, and transport. It contains details on the data, methodology, and assumptions usedthroughout the analysis.For agriculture and land use, the study team developed an agriculture production growth model, whichpermits the evaluation of sector emissions in both a reference and a low-carbon scenario. The study fi nds thatlow-carbon practices have signifi cant potential to make the sector more productive and more climate-resilient.For the oil and gas sector, the analysis assesses the potential of accelerated phase-put of gas fl aring, reductionof leakages, and increased energy effi ciency in the operation of facilities, to both reduce the sector???s emissionand contribute to the industry???s net revenues and growth. The analysis of the power sector shows how thecountry can expand power generation and broaden access to electricity while reducing associated emissions,through renewable energy, energy effi ciency, and lower-carbon technologies in tl³I