This is it—the key that unlocks the riches of GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) and gives you a wealth of information on how to create your character and fine-tune your play. Produced in partnership with Steve Jackson Games, the game's creator,
GURPS For Dummies is the ideal companion to G
URPS Basic Set, 4th Edition that explains the rules. It gives you insight into the choices you’ll make in everything from creating a fun, dynamic character using the allotted number of points, to playing in an adventure, to becoming a GM. Whether you want to be an Amazon princess or a stalwart warrior, an old-fashioned swashbuckler or a modern investigator, a tough cop or a cat burglar, a sorcerer casting spells or a cosmic ranger, fighting lawlessness in the asteroids, this guide will help you:
- Determine your character’s basic attributes: IQ, DX (dexterity), ST (strength) and HT (health)
- Figure out your character’s secondary characteristics
- Choose advantages (including powers and perks) and disadvantages (including quirks and disadvantages with a self-control roll modifier)
- Optimize your points by using talents
- Select your skills based on functional area or the campaign setting
- Enhance your character with spells, magic items, magic staves, and powerstones
- Strategically purchase equipment for different characters, tech levels, and campaign types
- Create and manage a character sheet, write a character background, keep a character log, and more—all with samples
- Choose good combat techniques and play with your character
If you want to become a GM, this guide gets you going with advice on creating the adventure, managing the character creation process, managing combat, al³e