Gate Key: Turning your High School Education Into Millions attacks the glue that holds the very fabric of the higher learning institutions together. It gives hope to teens that find themselves in despair. It creates opportunity for those in lower class society who seem to be destined for a life of poverty and unemployment. It turns that one way street to becoming a criminal into an 8-lane highway of self-preservation. Gate Key will not only spark the flame to ignite the inner fire that we call a dream. It reveals over 30 lucrative professions that can be started while in high school or immediately after which will place our youth on a road to success without the need for a college education. The awful truth is that only 4 out of every 7 teenagers will go on to attend college after graduating high school and for many reasons some will not complete this journey. Everyone wants the American dream for their kids; they want them to get a degree, find a great job, get married and have children, buy a house with a white picket fence then live happily ever after. Here's a shocker! The American dream will be just that for many of our youth, a dream! Too often teens can't afford college, have no interest in going, did not prepare for it, have kids early or are undecided any one of which causes them not to attend college and to head straight into the sub-par job market. Minimum wage can barely pay utility bills let alone take care of a family; this, more times than not, places our kids in the lowest class of society (in reference to a three-tier society of Lower Class, Middle Class or the Upper Class). This book gives our youth a choice as to what class they want to end up in, how much income they want to earn and how to begin that journey while still in high school without getting any student loans or attending any college. It will put our youth on track to become prosperous entrepreneurs and professionals by making them aware of career choices that they probably didn't evel3!