Originally published in 1932, this book contains the French text of fifty-five selections from the works of Alphonse de Lamartine.Originally published in 1932, this book contains the French text of fifty-five selections from the works of Alphonse de Lamartine. Arthur Wilson-Green has chosen extracts that tell the story of Lamartine's life and describe the people he knew or who featured on the political stage during his lifetime.Originally published in 1932, this book contains the French text of fifty-five selections from the works of Alphonse de Lamartine. Arthur Wilson-Green has chosen extracts that tell the story of Lamartine's life and describe the people he knew or who featured on the political stage during his lifetime.Originally published in 1932, this book contains the French text of fifty-five selections from the works of Alphonse de Lamartine. Arthur Wilson-Green has chosen extracts that tell the story of Lamartine's life and describe the people he knew or who featured on the political stage during his lifetime. A series of exercises are also included at the back. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Lamartine's life or work.Preface; 1. Pr?face des Confidences; 2. La famille de Lamartine; 3. Son p?re; 4. La m?re de Lamartine; 5. Berceau de mon enfance!; 6. Mes jours de berger; 7. Son ?ducation jusqu'? l'?ge de dix ans; 8. Une ?cole en plein champ; 9. Une ?pisode regrettable ? l'institution Puppier; 10. L'?vasion manqu?e; 11. Laur?at du coll?ge de Belley; 12. L'adieu au foyer; 13. Sa premi?re visite ? Rome; 14. Le L?zard; 15. Un m?tier qui rend le coeur content; 16. Saint Francois, notre patron; 17. Un replas de p?cheurs; 18. Les Saisons; 19. Une soir?e de lecture; 20. Les cinq soeurs du po?te; 21. Le premier mai au village; 22. Quelques amis de cette p?riode: l'abb? Dumont; 23. Mon ma?tre d'?criture; 24. Le chevalier de Sennecey; 25. Mon chien; 26. Les Cent-Jours; 27. La fuite du roi Louis XVIII; 28. Lamartine se r?fugie en Suisse; 29. LlSv