A two-volume study, published in 1888, on the role and use of logic by one of Britain's leading philosophers.Bernard Bosanquet (18481923) was a neo-Hegelian British philosopher who was interested in the role of logic in metaphysics. He published this two-volume work, which examines philosophical questions relating to logic, in 1888. In Volume 2, he focuses on the subject of inference.Bernard Bosanquet (18481923) was a neo-Hegelian British philosopher who was interested in the role of logic in metaphysics. He published this two-volume work, which examines philosophical questions relating to logic, in 1888. In Volume 2, he focuses on the subject of inference.After more than a decade teaching ancient Greek history and philosophy at University College, Oxford, British philosopher and political theorist Bernard Bosanquet (18481923) resigned from his post to spend more time writing. He was particularly interested in contemporary social theory, and was involved with the Charity Organisation Society and the London Ethical Society. Much of his work focused on the place of logic in philosophy, especially its role in metaphysical thought the area where he is considered to have made his most important intellectual contributions. In 1888 he published this two-volume study of logic, addressing a variety of questions relating to logic, and drawing from the work of Hegel (17701831) in his examination. In Volume 2, Bosanquet focuses on inference, arguing that it has a similar essence to judgment but is fundamentally different in that it is used to 'mediate' reality.Book II. Inference: 1. The nature of inference; 2. Enumerative induction and mathematical reasoning; 3. Analogy; 4. Scientific induction by perceptive analysis; 5. Scientific induction by hypothesis. Generalization; 6. Concrete systematic inference; 7. The relation of knowledge to its postulates; Index.