There is currently an explosion of interest in the field of body psychotherapy. This is feeding back into psychotherapy and counselling in general, with many practitioners and trainees becoming interested in the role of the body in holding and releasing traumatic patterns.
This collection of ground-breaking work by practitioners at the forefront of contemporary body psychotherapy enriches the whole therapy world. It explores the leading edge of theory and practice, including:
- Neuroscientific contributions
- Embodied countertransference
- Movement patterns and infant development
- Freudian and Jungian approaches
- Continuum Movement
- Embodied-Relational Therapy
- Process Work
- Body-Mind Centering®
- Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy
- Trauma work
New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapyis an essential contribution to the ‘turn to the body’ in modern psychotherapy.
Contributors:Jean-Claude Audergon, Katya Bloom, Roz Carroll, Emilie Conrad, Ruella Frank, Linda Hartley, Gottfried Heuer, Peter Levine, Yorai Sella, Michael Soth, Nick Totton, David Tune.Contributors
Part 1: New dimensions of theory
Neuroscience and the 'Law of Self': The automonic nervous system updated, re-mapped and in relationship
Panic, biology and reason: Giving the body its due
Embodied countertransference
Articulating preverbial experience
Dilemman around the ethical use of touch in psychotherapy
Part 2: New dimensions of practice
Recovering and eliciting precursors of meaning: A psychodynamic perspective of the body in psychotherapy
'In my flesh I shal see God': Jungian body psychotherapy
Embodying the sense of self: Body-Mind Centering® and authentic movement
Continuum movement
The body in process work
Embodied-relational therapy
IndexNick Totton originally trained in Reichian therapy in the early 1980s and since then has worked as a psychotherapist and trainer based l£‡