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Master the Combined Analysis Tools in Oracle CRM on Demand
Drive better decision-making across your enterprise using the reporting and analysis techniques in this Oracle Press guide. Through clear explanations and detailed case studies,Oracle CRM on Demand Combined Analysesshows you how to deliver real-time insightful business intelligence to end users. Learn how to perform multiple queries, join tables, format result columns, and add interactivity to your reports. Methods for filtering the results of a combined analysis are also covered in this practical resource.
- Create, edit, and join reports with set operators in Oracle Answers On Demand
- Configure roles and privileges to allow access to development tools
- Use negative reporting methods to compensate for null data
- Analyze records from the transactional databases and data warehouse in federated reports
- Add advanced views such as gauges, view selectors, funnel charts, and narrative views to your combined reports
- Integrate ad hoc analysis using Oracle Answers on Demand
- Consolidate information from disparate sources with pivot tables
- Perform calculations across multiple reports using result columns
Chapter 1.Getting Started with Combined Analyses;
Chapter 2.Combined Analyses Basics;
Chapter 3.Negative (Null) Reporting;
Chapter 4.Layout Considerations;
Chapter 5.Result Columns;
Chapter 6.Filtering Combined Analyses;Index
Michael D. Lairsonis Manager of Business Intelligence Services with Intelenex, an Oracle partner, and works directly with customers implementing CRM On Demand. He is the author ofOracle CRM On Demand Reportingand is considered the foremost resource flă&