Volume two of Recovering the Lost World continues the sweeping concepts and specific dates of antiquity, with the identification of Jupiter as the midnight sun, the flood of Noah, an event which will later be recalled as the Day of the Dead, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Exodus of Moses. In the 8th and 7th century Bc Mars repeatedly cause massive destruction in passing close by Earth. This is supported by archaeological sources of the eastern Mediterranean in addition to Mesoamerican data. Nearly 200 million people died, and hundreds of cities and hilltop citadels were destroyed and covered in yards of ashes. Then in 685 Bc, Venus and Mercury (as Phaethon) blazed in the sky for 40 days, ending when a plasmoid from Jupiter landed at the Sun. This was witnessed and recorded by people worldwide. The tilt of the Earth changed from the Big Dipper to the Little Dipper. The Maya Chilam Balam list the exact dates. The equinox moved 15 days ahead.