Volume three of Recovering the Lost World starts with a chapter of the Chilam Balam which appears to be records dating back 40,000 years. Additionally, the Olmec sites offer an amazing series of alignments with sunsets at the horizon, representing important calendar dates celebrating changes in the orbit of the Earth since 1440 Bc. A half dozen alignments are used some 40 times among a dozen sites. This is followed by notes on the importance to the Olmecs and Maya of the these calendar days, which suggests a long history of the primacy of ceremonial centers since about 2400 Bc. A reading of the Popol Vuh follows. This volume includes as Appendixes: notes on Chronology and Celestial Mechanics, and topics like changes in the Earth's axis, the Palette of Narmer, the Canopus Decree, an expanding earth, epidemics, an extended chronology, the red ring left in the sky, the age of the Universe, plus a list of books and links.