A rich volume showing the diverse ways in which citizenship can be rethought.The notion of citizenship is now being taken up internationally as a way to rethink questions of social cohesion and social justice. In Australia, a traditional view of citizens belonging to a single nation made up of one people, with a special relationship to one land, has been thrown open to challenge by a range of differing perspective. Rethinking Australian Citizenship considers the major debates. The result is a rich and coherent volume that shows the diverse ways in which citizenship can be rethought.The notion of citizenship is now being taken up internationally as a way to rethink questions of social cohesion and social justice. In Australia, a traditional view of citizens belonging to a single nation made up of one people, with a special relationship to one land, has been thrown open to challenge by a range of differing perspective. Rethinking Australian Citizenship considers the major debates. The result is a rich and coherent volume that shows the diverse ways in which citizenship can be rethought.The notion of citizenship is now being taken up internationally as a way to rethink questions of social cohesion and social justice. In Australia, a traditional view of citizens belonging to a single nation made up of one people, with a special relationship to one land, has been thrown open to challenge by a range of differing perspectives. Rethinking Australian Citizenship considers the major debates. The result is a rich and coherent volume that shows the diverse ways in which citizenship can be rethought.1. Introduction Wayne Hudson; 2. Republicanism and citizenship Philip Pettit; 3. Postmodernism and citizenship Peter Beilharz; 4. Differential citizenship Wayne Hudson; 5. Democracy and citizenship Alastair Davidson; 6. Feminism and citizenship Eva Cox; 7. Limits to citizenship Barry Hindess; 8. Political citizenship Mike Salvaris; 9. Indigenous citizenship Tim Rowse; 10. Multiculturl3!