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The how and why of WiMAXthelast mile technology thatsrevolutionizing wireless broadband
WiMAX Crash Courseoffers an accessibleoverview of the revolutionary solution forwireless delivery of broadband services. Using real-world examples,the book explains how WiMAX works and discussesthe business and economic implications of this groundbreakingtechnology.
WiMAX is emerging rapidly, andthis book will get you up to speed quickly. The book gives you the ability to ask theright questions of their providers before making infrastructureand service delivery decisions. Soon,WiMAXwill be everywhere. By reading this book, you will be readyto take full advantage of everything this innovativetechnology has to offer.
AcknowledgmentsForewordAbout the AuthorChapter 1: Introduction to Wireless and WiMAXChapter 2: WiMAX History and Support OrganizationsChapter 3: How WiMAX WorksChapter 4: WiMAX Applications and ServicesChapter 5: WiMAX Regulatory IssuesChapter 6: WiMAX and Other Broadband Wireless FuturesAPPENDIX A: COMMON INDUSTRY ACRONYMSAPPENDIX B: GLOSSARY OF TERMSINDEX
Steven Shepardis the president of the Shepard Communications Group in Williston, Vermont. A professional author and educator with 24 years of varied experience in the telecommunications industry, he has written books and magazine articles on a wide variety of topics. Mr. Shepard specializes in international issues in telecommunications with an emphasis on strategic technical sales; services convergence; the social implications of technological change; the development of multilingual educational materials; and the effective use of multiple delivery media. He has written and directed more than 40 videos and l3!