This 1998 collection is a specialised study to deal with the important question of Lewis's aggression.This volume considers the place of aggression and warfare in Lewis' art and literature within a closely defined historical context. Focusing on the effect of the First World War on Lewis's thought and his practice as artist and writer, it examines his war art, and the post-war politics and aesthetics in detail, and reassess the justice of the view of Lewis as the uncontrolled aggressor of British modernism.This volume considers the place of aggression and warfare in Lewis' art and literature within a closely defined historical context. Focusing on the effect of the First World War on Lewis's thought and his practice as artist and writer, it examines his war art, and the post-war politics and aesthetics in detail, and reassess the justice of the view of Lewis as the uncontrolled aggressor of British modernism.This volume considers the place of aggression and warfare in Lewis' art and literature within a closely defined historical context. Focusing on the effect of the First World War on Lewis' thought and his practice as artist and writer, it examines his war art, and the postwar politics and aesthetics in detail, and reassesses the justice of the view of Lewis as the uncontrolled aggressor of British modernism.1. Introduction David Peters Corbett; 2. Wyndham Lewis: war and aggression Alan Munton; 3. Wyndham Lewis, the anti-war war artist Tom Normand; 4. Actors and spectators in the theatre of war: Wyndham Lewis's First World War art and literature Christine Hardegen; 5. Shellshock, anti-Semitism and the agency of the avant-garde Geoff Gilbert; 6. 'Grief with a yard wise grin': war and Wyndham Lewis's Tyros David Peters Corbett; 7. 'Its time for another war': the historical unconscious and the failure of modernism Paul Edwards; 8. Wyndham Lewis and history paining in the later 1930s Andrew Causey; 9. Aggression, aesthetics, modernity: Wyndham Lewis and the fate of arl£Á