Inspire your middle school readers with these awesome reading motivation?programs and proven book recommendations!
Written by a seasoned middle school librarian who knows what kids love to read
Step-by-step directions for battle of the books and other sure-fire reading motivation programs
Chocked full of titles to turn middle-schoolers into avid readers
Includes bonus reproducibles for your very own reading promotion programs
Annotated genre bibliographies to motivate middle school readers
Meet the reading needs of a diverse school population, one in transition between elementary and the high school years and learn to have fun while getting serious about promoting Voluntary Free Reading (VFR) in your school. Frustrated librarians and teachers will get excellent examples of reading motivation programs and recommended, sure-to-please reading lists for hard-to-motivate middle grade students. This book is meant to be a resource for the librarian who must respond to the student who asks, Do you have any good books?