Walk with me down a captivating road. The lead ins below, are the stops along the way. The road will be smooth, alluring, with a picturbale scene. In contrast, it will have huge bumps, hills, curves, and cross roads. Death will be close by, yet I'm still here. The destination has not been reached. Chapter Lead Ins Chapter 1 'Where is my nine-month-old baby daughter?' Chapter 2 'I think out of the box, and then I say to myself, 'What Box?' Chapter 3 'She had a switch blade and her plan was to use it on me.' Chapter 4 'She would say, you will do and I would say, I won't do.' Chapter 5 'I remember my head was on the yellow median line and the rest of me was under the car.' Chapter 6 'I didn't know what I was getting into when I arrived at the radio station.' Chapter 7 'I simply grabbed him by his sterile, white, lab coat and drew his face to mine.' Chapter 8 'I saw it coming, but I just didn't know what it was.' Chapter 9 'Dad, when I get married, who do you want to walk me down the aisle and give me away?' Chapter 10 'Has your husband been with a prostitute in the last six months?' Chapter 11 'Karina, the coffin is not going in our living room.' Chapter 12 'My hand felt as empty as my heart...'