OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK 365 AFFIRMATIONS AND POWERFUL QUOTES START YOUR DAY OFF RIGHT There is so much power in what we say. Life and death lies in the power of the tongue. I usually tell myself that I am who God says I am and I can do what God has called and anointed me to do. I believe Open Your Mouth and Speak is a great book to help affirm yourself and will allow you to be uplifted and inspired to move into your destiny. Author Talitha Davis Damsel, Arise to the New You: This Is Your Journey of Resurrection Often times, we have not because we ask not. People from all walks of life should open their mouths and speak positive affirmation into their own lives if they really want to blaze the trail of motivation for themselves and loved ones. This book is a great read for many looking to change their lives by the words they speak. William E. Lee Jr. Bestselling author of Breaking the Mold Open Your Mouth and Speak, is a great book to use night before you sleep as well as when you rise in the morning. This book has some outstanding affirmations and quotes that are words to live by to help uplift your spirits and keep them lifted up. I've found multiple favorite affirmations and quotes inside that I have on post-it notes that I strategically place throughout my house so that I can see and acknowledge them throughout my day. LaKesha T. Hall, B.S.N., R.N., Professional Life Coach It's about time we had a book that teaches one how to utilize the power of words that come out from our mouths. Open Your Mouth and Speak is that book. It shows us how to use our words in affirmations that uplift, empower and inspire. I look forward to speaking the powerful and positive affirmations in this book. Our words have so much power and to assure that we are using them to our benefit we must pay attention to how and why we are saying what we say. This powerful book is written by a woman that knows first-h