Why are there scores of confusing, mysterious, and even seemingly contradictory scriptures in the Bible? Why does Jesus appear so differently in each of the four Gospels? Why does he continually insist that our focus should be on God, not on him? Why do Mark and John gloss over the Nativity, the world-altering event that justifies all that comes afterward? Why does Paul make no mention of the empty tomb, the very cornerstone of the mainstream Christian Faith? Why does Jesus never use the word atonement ? Why is he said to have been born in a town called the House of Bread, and why is he shown growing up in Nazareth, a city that did not exist in the 1st Century A.D.? If there is only one Christ why did Paul say Christ is in all, and if there is only one God why did Jesus say that we are all gods? What do the mystical Essenes and Gnostics have to do with the original Christian Church, and why were their names purposefully left out of the Bible?
Why did Paul declare that he preached the hidden wisdom of God in a mystery ? Why did Jesus acknowledge that he taught the mysteries of the Kingdom of God openly to an inner secret circle of initiates, but parabolically to the general public? What do the Cana Wedding, the Eucharist, the Logos, the Tree of Life, the Serpent, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, the Holy Trinity, the Exodus, original sin, Golgotha, the Devil, Noah's ark, Melchizedek, the Son of Man, and the Upper Room, all have in common? Why are such Bible stories and elements as the Fall of Man, the Great Flood, the Virgin-Mother, walking on water, the Three Wise Men, and the crucifixion and resurrection of the Son of God found in countless pre-Christian religions and myths all around the world?
You are not likely to get the answers to these questions from any mainstream Church, but you will find them in Seabrook's Bible Dictionary of Traditional and Mystical Christian Doctrines, by Bible authority, spiritual teacherls*