The authors backgrounds represent experienced community college leadership and higher education faculty with academic credentials in community college leadership. These multiple perspectives add to the richness and strength of the book. . . .The book calls for visionary leaders who are bold, creative, and willing to take risks as community colleges become increasingly more complex in nature. . . .The major strength of the book is the presentation of the past, present, and future in very clear terms. Further, it provides a clear rationale for change that needs to occur due to the shifting environment both within and outside the institution. This book is incredibly bold and forthcoming as a model for a future community college leader. As stated above, this book may make current community college leaders uncomfortable, as it introduces ideas, changes, and processes quite different from what some current leaders may be using today. . . .Overall, this book is a good resource for emerging community college leaders who want to be at the forefront of change as they are gaining the skills and knowledge to prepare themselves to be effective future leaders. This book also provides strategies for current community college leaders who want to inspire transformation in the midst of the rapid growth and change that is happening at their own institutions.Dick Alfred has been influencing community college and leadership development throughout his 45-year career. Now, with co-authors Pamela Eddy, Debbie Sydow, and Regina Garza Mitchell, he pushes the leadership agenda in ways that community colleges have never before imagined. Community college leaders and trustees owe it to themselves to read this provocative book that highlights the leadership required to engineer the disruptive innovations that will position community colleges for their next evolution.Community colleges were created to do what no one else would: address a communitys unmet higher education and workforce trainilĂC