Dr. Schuckit - one of the world's leading authorities in the field of drug and alcohol abuse - empowers us to confront the myths, anxieties, and ignorance standing in the way of squarely assessing whether or not a problem exists. Drawing on a wealth of the most up-to-date research available, Dr. Schuckit provides the solid facts needed to answer the pressing questions an abuser must face: How do the various drugs of abuse work on the body and what dangers do they pose? What are the warning signs of a growing addiction? Where can help be found for devising the right strategy for recovery?
Marc Alan Schuckitis one of the world's leading authorities in the field of drug and alcohol abuse. He is the author of over 350 scientific publications including the textbook Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Clinical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment, Fourth Edition (Plenum), which was awarded a Certificate of Commendation by the British Medical Association. Dr. Schuckit is Professor of Psychiatry at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Director of the Alcohol Research Center, San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center.